1 module workspaced.com.snippets;
3 import dparse.lexer;
4 import dparse.parser;
5 import dparse.rollback_allocator;
7 import workspaced.api;
8 import workspaced.com.dfmt : DfmtComponent;
9 import workspaced.com.snippets.generator;
10 import workspaced.dparseext;
12 import std.algorithm;
13 import std.array;
14 import std.ascii;
15 import std.conv;
16 import std.json;
17 import std..string;
18 import std.typecons;
20 public import workspaced.com.snippets.plain;
21 public import workspaced.com.snippets.smart;
22 public import workspaced.com.snippets.dependencies;
24 /// Component for auto completing snippets with context information and formatting these snippets with dfmt.
25 @component("snippets")
26 class SnippetsComponent : ComponentWrapper
27 {
28 	mixin DefaultComponentWrapper;
30 	static PlainSnippetProvider plainSnippets;
31 	static SmartSnippetProvider smartSnippets;
32 	static DependencyBasedSnippetProvider dependencySnippets;
34 	protected SnippetProvider[] providers;
36 	protected void load()
37 	{
38 		if (!plainSnippets)
39 			plainSnippets = new PlainSnippetProvider();
40 		if (!smartSnippets)
41 			smartSnippets = new SmartSnippetProvider();
42 		if (!dependencySnippets)
43 			dependencySnippets = new DependencyBasedSnippetProvider();
45 		config.stringBehavior = StringBehavior.source;
46 		providers.reserve(16);
47 		providers ~= plainSnippets;
48 		providers ~= smartSnippets;
49 		providers ~= dependencySnippets;
50 	}
52 	/**
53 	 * Params:
54 	 *   file = Filename to resolve dependencies relatively from.
55 	 *   code = Code to complete snippet in.
56 	 *   position = Byte offset of where to find scope in.
57 	 *
58 	 * Returns: a `SnippetInfo` object for all snippet information.
59 	 *
60 	 * `.loopScope` is set if a loop can be inserted at this position, Optionally
61 	 * with information about close ranges. Contains `SnippetLoopScope.init` if
62 	 * this is not a location where a loop can be inserted.
63 	 */
64 	SnippetInfo determineSnippetInfo(scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position)
65 	{
66 		// each variable is 1
67 		// maybe more expensive lookups with DCD in the future
68 		enum LoopVariableAnalyzeMaxCost = 90;
70 		scope tokens = getTokensForParser(cast(ubyte[]) code, config, &workspaced.stringCache);
71 		auto loc = tokens.tokenIndexAtByteIndex(position);
73 		// nudge in next token if position is not exactly on the start of it
74 		if (loc < tokens.length && tokens[loc].index < position)
75 			loc++;
77 		if (loc == 0 || loc == tokens.length)
78 			return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.global]);
80 		auto leading = tokens[0 .. loc];
82 		if (leading.length)
83 		{
84 			auto last = leading[$ - 1];
85 			switch (last.type)
86 			{
87 			case tok!"comment":
88 				size_t len = max(0, cast(ptrdiff_t)position
89 					- cast(ptrdiff_t)last.index);
90 				// TODO: currently never called because we would either need to
91 				// use the DLexer struct as parser immediately or wait until
92 				// libdparse >=0.15.0 which contains trivia, where this switch
93 				// needs to be modified to check the exact trivia token instead
94 				// of the associated token with it.
95 				if (last.text[0 .. len].startsWith("///", "/++", "/**"))
96 					return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.docComment]);
97 				else if (len >= 2)
98 					return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.comment]);
99 				else
100 					break;
101 			case tok!"dstringLiteral":
102 			case tok!"wstringLiteral":
103 			case tok!"stringLiteral":
104 				if (position <= last.index)
105 					break;
107 				auto textSoFar = last.text[1 .. position - last.index];
108 				// no string complete if we are immediately after escape or
109 				// quote character
110 				// TODO: properly check if this is an unescaped escape
111 				if (textSoFar.endsWith('\\', last.text[0]))
112 					return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.strings, SnippetLevel.other]);
113 				else
114 					return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.strings]);
115 			case tok!"(":
116 				if (leading.length >= 2)
117 				{
118 					auto beforeLast = leading[$ - 2];
119 					if (beforeLast.type.among(tok!"__traits", tok!"version", tok!"debug"))
120 						return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.other]);
121 				}
122 				break;
123 			default:
124 				break;
125 			}
126 		}
128 		foreach_reverse (t; leading)
129 		{
130 			if (t.type == tok!";")
131 				break;
133 			// test for tokens semicolon closed statements where we should abort to avoid incomplete syntax
134 			if (t.type.among!(tok!"import", tok!"module"))
135 			{
136 				return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.global, SnippetLevel.other]);
137 			}
138 			else if (t.type.among!(tok!"=", tok!"+", tok!"-", tok!"*", tok!"/",
139 					tok!"%", tok!"^^", tok!"&", tok!"|", tok!"^", tok!"<<",
140 					tok!">>", tok!">>>", tok!"~", tok!"in"))
141 			{
142 				return SnippetInfo([SnippetLevel.global, SnippetLevel.value]);
143 			}
144 		}
146 		RollbackAllocator rba;
147 		scope parsed = parseModule(tokens, cast(string) file, &rba);
149 		//trace("determineSnippetInfo at ", position);
151 		scope gen = new SnippetInfoGenerator(position);
152 		gen.variableStack.reserve(64);
153 		gen.visit(parsed);
155 		gen.value.loopScope.supported = gen.value.level == SnippetLevel.method;
156 		if (gen.value.loopScope.supported)
157 		{
158 			int cost = 0;
159 			foreach_reverse (v; gen.variableStack)
160 			{
161 				if (fillLoopScopeInfo(gen.value.loopScope, v))
162 					break;
163 				if (++cost > LoopVariableAnalyzeMaxCost)
164 					break;
165 			}
166 		}
168 		return gen.value;
169 	}
171 	Future!SnippetList getSnippets(scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position)
172 	{
173 		mixin(gthreadsAsyncProxy!`getSnippetsBlocking(file, code, position)`);
174 	}
176 	SnippetList getSnippetsBlocking(scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position)
177 	{
178 		auto futures = collectSnippets(file, code, position);
180 		auto ret = appender!(Snippet[]);
181 		foreach (fut; futures[1])
182 			ret.put(fut.getBlocking());
183 		return SnippetList(futures[0], ret.data);
184 	}
186 	SnippetList getSnippetsYield(scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position)
187 	{
188 		auto futures = collectSnippets(file, code, position);
190 		auto ret = appender!(Snippet[]);
191 		foreach (fut; futures[1])
192 			ret.put(fut.getYield());
193 		return SnippetList(futures[0], ret.data);
194 	}
196 	Future!Snippet resolveSnippet(scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code,
197 			int position, Snippet snippet)
198 	{
199 		foreach (provider; providers)
200 		{
201 			if (typeid(provider).name == snippet.providerId)
202 			{
203 				const info = determineSnippetInfo(file, code, position);
204 				return provider.resolveSnippet(instance, file, code, position, info, snippet);
205 			}
206 		}
208 		return typeof(return).fromResult(snippet);
209 	}
211 	Future!string format(scope const(char)[] snippet, string[] arguments = [],
212 			SnippetLevel level = SnippetLevel.global)
213 	{
214 		mixin(gthreadsAsyncProxy!`formatSync(snippet, arguments, level)`);
215 	}
217 	/// Will format the code passed in synchronously using dfmt. Might take a short moment on larger documents.
218 	/// Returns: the formatted code as string or unchanged if dfmt is not active
219 	string formatSync(scope const(char)[] snippet, string[] arguments = [],
220 			SnippetLevel level = SnippetLevel.global)
221 	{
222 		if (!has!DfmtComponent)
223 			return snippet.idup;
225 		auto dfmt = get!DfmtComponent;
227 		auto tmp = appender!string;
229 		final switch (level)
230 		{
231 		case SnippetLevel.global:
232 		case SnippetLevel.other:
233 		case SnippetLevel.comment:
234 		case SnippetLevel.docComment:
235 		case SnippetLevel.strings:
236 		case SnippetLevel.mixinTemplate:
237 			break;
238 		case SnippetLevel.type:
239 			tmp.put("struct FORMAT_HELPER {\n");
240 			break;
241 		case SnippetLevel.method:
242 			tmp.put("void FORMAT_HELPER() {\n");
243 			break;
244 		case SnippetLevel.value:
245 			tmp.put("int FORMAT_HELPER() = ");
246 			break;
247 		}
249 		scope const(char)[][string] tokens;
251 		ptrdiff_t dollar, last;
252 		while (true)
253 		{
254 			dollar = snippet.indexOfAny(`$\`, last);
255 			if (dollar == -1)
256 			{
257 				tmp ~= snippet[last .. $];
258 				break;
259 			}
261 			tmp ~= snippet[last .. dollar];
262 			last = dollar + 1;
263 			if (last >= snippet.length)
264 				break;
265 			if (snippet[dollar] == '\\')
266 			{
267 				tmp ~= snippet[dollar + 1];
268 				last = dollar + 2;
269 			}
270 			else
271 			{
272 				string key = "__WspD_Snp_" ~ dollar.to!string ~ "_";
273 				const(char)[] str;
275 				bool startOfBlock = snippet[0 .. dollar].stripRight.endsWith("{");
276 				bool endOfBlock;
278 				bool makeWrappingIfMayBeDelegate()
279 				{
280 					endOfBlock = snippet[last .. $].stripLeft.startsWith("}");
281 					if (startOfBlock && endOfBlock)
282 					{
283 						// make extra long to make dfmt definitely wrap this (in case this is a delegate, otherwise this doesn't hurt either)
284 						key.reserve(key.length + 200);
285 						foreach (i; 0 .. 200)
286 							key ~= "_";
287 						return true;
288 					}
289 					else
290 						return false;
291 				}
293 				if (snippet[dollar + 1] == '{')
294 				{
295 					ptrdiff_t i = dollar + 2;
296 					int depth = 1;
297 					while (true)
298 					{
299 						auto next = snippet.indexOfAny(`\{}`, i);
300 						if (next == -1)
301 						{
302 							i = snippet.length;
303 							break;
304 						}
306 						if (snippet[next] == '\\')
307 							i = next + 2;
308 						else
309 						{
310 							if (snippet[next] == '{')
311 								depth++;
312 							else if (snippet[next] == '}')
313 								depth--;
314 							else
315 								assert(false);
317 							i = next + 1;
318 						}
320 						if (depth == 0)
321 							break;
322 					}
323 					str = snippet[dollar .. i];
324 					last = i;
326 					const wrapped = makeWrappingIfMayBeDelegate();
328 					const placeholderMightBeIdentifier = str.length > 5
329 						|| snippet[last .. $].stripLeft.startsWith(";", ".", "{", "(", "[");
331 					if (wrapped || placeholderMightBeIdentifier)
332 					{
333 						// let's insert some token in here instead of a comment because there is probably some default content
334 						// if there is a semicolon at the end we probably need to insert a semicolon here too
335 						// if this is a comment placeholder let's insert a semicolon to make dfmt wrap
336 						if (str[0 .. $ - 1].endsWith(';') || str[0 .. $ - 1].canFind("//"))
337 							key ~= ';';
338 					}
339 					else if (level != SnippetLevel.value)
340 					{
341 						// empty default, put in comment
342 						key = "/+++" ~ key ~ "+++/";
343 					}
344 				}
345 				else
346 				{
347 					size_t end = dollar + 1;
349 					if (snippet[dollar + 1].isDigit)
350 					{
351 						while (end < snippet.length && snippet[end].isDigit)
352 							end++;
353 					}
354 					else
355 					{
356 						while (end < snippet.length && (snippet[end].isAlphaNum || snippet[end] == '_'))
357 							end++;
358 					}
360 					str = snippet[dollar .. end];
361 					last = end;
363 					makeWrappingIfMayBeDelegate();
365 					const placeholderMightBeIdentifier = snippet[last .. $].stripLeft.startsWith(";",
366 							".", "{", "(", "[");
368 					if (placeholderMightBeIdentifier)
369 					{
370 						// keep value thing as simple identifier as we don't have any placeholder text
371 					}
372 					else if (level != SnippetLevel.value)
373 					{
374 						// primitive placeholder as comment
375 						key = "/+++" ~ key ~ "+++/";
376 					}
377 				}
379 				tokens[key] = str;
380 				tmp ~= key;
381 			}
382 		}
384 		final switch (level)
385 		{
386 		case SnippetLevel.global:
387 		case SnippetLevel.other:
388 		case SnippetLevel.comment:
389 		case SnippetLevel.docComment:
390 		case SnippetLevel.strings:
391 		case SnippetLevel.mixinTemplate:
392 			break;
393 		case SnippetLevel.type:
394 		case SnippetLevel.method:
395 			tmp.put("}");
396 			break;
397 		case SnippetLevel.value:
398 			tmp.put(";");
399 			break;
400 		}
402 		auto res = dfmt.formatSync(tmp.data, arguments);
404 		string chompStr;
405 		char del;
406 		final switch (level)
407 		{
408 		case SnippetLevel.global:
409 		case SnippetLevel.other:
410 		case SnippetLevel.comment:
411 		case SnippetLevel.docComment:
412 		case SnippetLevel.strings:
413 		case SnippetLevel.mixinTemplate:
414 			break;
415 		case SnippetLevel.type:
416 		case SnippetLevel.method:
417 			chompStr = "}";
418 			del = '{';
419 			break;
420 		case SnippetLevel.value:
421 			chompStr = ";";
422 			del = '=';
423 			break;
424 		}
426 		if (chompStr.length)
427 			res = res.stripRight.chomp(chompStr);
429 		if (del != char.init)
430 		{
431 			auto start = res.indexOf(del);
432 			if (start != -1)
433 			{
434 				res = res[start + 1 .. $];
436 				while (true)
437 				{
438 					// delete empty lines before first line
439 					auto nl = res.indexOf('\n');
440 					if (nl != -1 && res[0 .. nl].all!isWhite)
441 						res = res[nl + 1 .. $];
442 					else
443 						break;
444 				}
446 				auto indent = res[0 .. res.length - res.stripLeft.length];
447 				if (indent.length)
448 				{
449 					// remove indentation of whole block
450 					assert(indent.all!isWhite);
451 					res = res.splitLines.map!(a => a.startsWith(indent)
452 							? a[indent.length .. $] : a.stripRight).join("\n");
453 				}
454 			}
455 		}
457 		foreach (key, value; tokens)
458 		{
459 			// TODO: replacing using aho-corasick would be far more efficient but there is nothing like that in phobos
460 			res = res.replace(key, value);
461 		}
463 		if (res.endsWith("\r\n") && !snippet.endsWith('\n'))
464 			res.length -= 2;
465 		else if (res.endsWith('\n') && !snippet.endsWith('\n'))
466 			res.length--;
468 		if (res.endsWith(";\n\n$0"))
469 			res = res[0 .. $ - "\n$0".length] ~ "$0";
470 		else if (res.endsWith(";\r\n\r\n$0"))
471 			res = res[0 .. $ - "\r\n$0".length] ~ "$0";
473 		return res;
474 	}
476 	/// Adds snippets which complete conditionally based on dub dependencies being present.
477 	/// This function affects the global configuration of all instances.
478 	/// Params:
479 	///   requiredDependencies = The dependencies which must be present in order for this snippet to show up.
480 	///   snippet = The snippet to suggest when the required dependencies are matched.
481 	void addDependencySnippet(string[] requiredDependencies, PlainSnippet snippet)
482 	{
483 		// maybe application global change isn't such a good idea? Current config system seems too inefficient for this.
484 		dependencySnippets.addSnippet(requiredDependencies, snippet);
485 	}
487 private:
488 	Tuple!(SnippetInfo, Future!(Snippet[])[]) collectSnippets(scope const(char)[] file,
489 			scope const(char)[] code, int position)
490 	{
491 		const inst = instance;
492 		auto info = determineSnippetInfo(file, code, position);
493 		auto futures = appender!(Future!(Snippet[])[]);
494 		foreach (provider; providers)
495 			futures.put(provider.provideSnippets(inst, file, code, position, info));
496 		return tuple(info, futures.data);
497 	}
499 	LexerConfig config;
500 }
502 ///
503 enum SnippetLevel
504 {
505 	/// Outside of functions or types, possibly inside templates
506 	global,
507 	/// Inside interfaces, classes, structs or unions
508 	type,
509 	/// Inside method body
510 	method,
511 	/// inside a variable value, argument call, default value or similar
512 	value,
513 	/// Other scope types (for example outside of braces but after a function definition or some other invalid syntax place)
514 	other,
515 	/// Inside a string literal.
516 	strings,
517 	/// Inside a normal comment
518 	comment,
519 	/// Inside a documentation comment
520 	docComment,
521 	/// Inside explicitly declared mixin templates
522 	mixinTemplate,
523 }
525 ///
526 struct SnippetLoopScope
527 {
528 	/// true if an loop expression can be inserted at this point
529 	bool supported;
530 	/// true if we know we are iterating over a string (possibly needing unicode decoding) or false otherwise
531 	bool stringIterator;
532 	/// Explicit type to use when iterating or null if none is known
533 	string type;
534 	/// Best variable to iterate over or null if none was found
535 	string iterator;
536 	/// Number of keys to iterate over
537 	int numItems = 1;
538 }
540 ///
541 struct SnippetInfo
542 {
543 	/// Levels this snippet location has gone through, latest one being the last
544 	SnippetLevel[] stack = [SnippetLevel.global];
545 	/// Information about snippets using loop context
546 	SnippetLoopScope loopScope;
548 	/// Current snippet scope level of the location
549 	SnippetLevel level() const @property
550 	{
551 		return stack.length ? stack[$ - 1] : SnippetLevel.other;
552 	}
553 }
555 /// A list of snippets resolved at a given position.
556 struct SnippetList
557 {
558 	/// The info where this snippet is completing at.
559 	SnippetInfo info;
560 	/// The list of snippets that got returned.
561 	Snippet[] snippets;
562 }
564 ///
565 interface SnippetProvider
566 {
567 	Future!(Snippet[]) provideSnippets(scope const WorkspaceD.Instance instance,
568 			scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position, const SnippetInfo info);
570 	Future!Snippet resolveSnippet(scope const WorkspaceD.Instance instance,
571 			scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position,
572 			const SnippetInfo info, Snippet snippet);
573 }
575 /// Snippet to insert
576 struct Snippet
577 {
578 	/// Internal ID for resolving this snippet
579 	string id, providerId;
580 	/// User-defined data for helping resolving this snippet
581 	JSONValue data;
582 	/// Label for this snippet
583 	string title;
584 	/// Shortcut to type for this snippet
585 	string shortcut;
586 	/// Markdown documentation for this snippet
587 	string documentation;
588 	/// Plain text to insert assuming global level indentation.
589 	string plain;
590 	/// Text with interactive snippet locations to insert assuming global indentation.
591 	string snippet;
592 	/// true if this snippet can be used as-is
593 	bool resolved;
594 	/// true if this snippet shouldn't be formatted.
595 	bool unformatted;
596 }
598 unittest
599 {
600 	scope backend = new WorkspaceD();
601 	auto workspace = makeTemporaryTestingWorkspace;
602 	auto instance = backend.addInstance(workspace.directory);
603 	backend.register!SnippetsComponent;
604 	backend.register!DfmtComponent;
605 	SnippetsComponent snippets = backend.get!SnippetsComponent(workspace.directory);
607 	auto args = ["--indent_style", "tab"];
609 	auto res = snippets.formatSync("void main(${1:string[] args}) {\n\t$0\n}", args);
610 	assert(res == "void main(${1:string[] args})\n{\n\t$0\n}");
612 	res = snippets.formatSync("class ${1:MyClass} {\n\t$0\n}", args);
613 	assert(res == "class ${1:MyClass}\n{\n\t$0\n}");
615 	res = snippets.formatSync("enum ${1:MyEnum} = $2;\n$0", args);
616 	assert(res == "enum ${1:MyEnum} = $2;\n$0");
618 	res = snippets.formatSync("import ${1:std};\n$0", args);
619 	assert(res == "import ${1:std};\n$0");
621 	res = snippets.formatSync("import ${1:std};\n$0", args, SnippetLevel.method);
622 	assert(res == "import ${1:std};\n$0");
624 	res = snippets.formatSync("foo(delegate() {\n${1:// foo}\n});", args, SnippetLevel.method);
625 	assert(res == "foo(delegate() {\n\t${1:// foo}\n});");
627 	res = snippets.formatSync(`auto ${1:window} = new SimpleWindow(Size(${2:800, 600}), "$3");`, args, SnippetLevel.method);
628 	assert(res == `auto ${1:window} = new SimpleWindow(Size(${2:800, 600}), "$3");`);
629 }
631 unittest
632 {
633 	scope backend = new WorkspaceD();
634 	auto workspace = makeTemporaryTestingWorkspace;
635 	auto instance = backend.addInstance(workspace.directory);
636 	backend.register!SnippetsComponent;
637 	SnippetsComponent snippets = backend.get!SnippetsComponent(workspace.directory);
639 	static immutable testCode = `/// this is a cool module
640 module something;
642 // todo stuff
644 /// a lot of functionality
645 void foo()
646 {
647 	writeln("hello world");
648 }
650 int main(string[] args)
651 {
652 	foo();
653 }
654 `;
656 	// TODO: comment snippets not yet implemented
658 	auto i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 0);
659 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.global, i.stack.to!string);
660 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 1);
661 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.global, i.stack.to!string);
662 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 2);
663 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.comment, i.stack.to!string);
664 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 3);
665 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.docComment, i.stack.to!string);
666 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 10);
667 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.docComment, i.stack.to!string);
668 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 25);
669 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.docComment, i.stack.to!string);
671 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 26);
672 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.global, i.stack.to!string);
674 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 47);
675 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.comment, i.stack.to!string);
676 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 50);
677 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.comment, i.stack.to!string);
678 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 58);
679 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.comment, i.stack.to!string);
681 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 59);
682 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.global, i.stack.to!string);
683 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 60);
684 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.global, i.stack.to!string);
686 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 63);
687 	// assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.docComment, i.stack.to!string);
689 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 109);
690 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.value, i.stack.to!string);
691 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 110);
692 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.strings, i.stack.to!string);
693 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 111);
694 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.strings, i.stack.to!string);
695 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 121);
696 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.strings, i.stack.to!string);
697 	i = snippets.determineSnippetInfo(null, testCode, 122);
698 	assert(i.level == SnippetLevel.other, i.stack.to!string);
699 }